The Accidental Bavarian

ac·ci·den·tal Pronunciation: \ˌak-sə-ˈden-təl\ a: occurring unexpectedly or by chance b: happening without intent or through carelessness. Syn: fortuitous: coming or happening by a lucky chance

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Location: Washington, United States

Scotte and Renae, known collectively as The Accidental Bavarian, travel to Leavenworth, Washington as often as they are able. They love to play, stay, shop, and eat in Leavenworth.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Race Cars in Leavenworth?

I found an interesting link the other day.

To advertise their toy race cars, Hess gas stations had a video created that transforms the streets of Leavenworth into the site of a road race for their toy race cars.

According to the company that created the video, "Speedshape created CG animations, matte paintings and 3D renderings, delivering a total of 23 full CG shots, 17 CG live action integration shots, as well as all compositing and finishing... Traversing amid CG snow-capped mountains and icy tunnels, the racecars finish the race in a jubilant town square filled with children gleefully awaiting their arrival... CG Supervisor John Ikera traveled to Leavenworth, WA for a shoot that would be used to re-create the Christmas village via image modeling the entire town."

Here's the video. About halfway through, you'll see "Leavenworth: The Miracle Town".

You might want to turn the volume down... it's pretty loud!)


Anonymous Geordie Romer said...

Very cool. It seems like every time you turn around someone else becomes a fan of Leavenworth - more and more "Accidental Bavarians" every day.

January 24, 2010 at 3:38 PM  

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